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Discover Twinblade Games' unique products.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take between 15-20 minutes to play. Play solo or as teams, while you battle it out in the arena. Sen So variants offer you a wide variety of genre and abilities to play.
Shootout is a fast-paced classic western gun fight. Players are assigned a Role to determine how and when they win. Each player chooses weapons/items to simultaneously shoot other players. This is a party game that has everyone in on the action. Shootout is a fast-paced classic western gun fight. Players are assigned a Role to deter
Shootout is a fast-paced classic western gun fight. Players are assigned a Role to determine how and when they win. Each player chooses weapons/items to simultaneously shoot other players. This is a party game that has everyone in on the action. Shootout is a fast-paced classic western gun fight. Players are assigned a Role to determine how and when they win. Each player chooses weapons/items to simultaneously shoot other players. This is a party game that has everyone in on the action. At Twinblade Games, our mission is to provide the best board game experience possible. We strive to offer a wide selection of games, provide a welcoming environment for all gamers, and offer top-notch customer service.
Select a Class (7 included) Barbarian, Cleric, Knight, Mage, Monk, Ranger and Thief.
Select a Race (6 included) Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Halfling and Half-Orc.
Multi Player rules have been added to bottom of description.
Draw and kill random Monsters (28 types included) until you are defeated.
Add up your kills (score) to see how your Character did to beocome a legendary Monster Killer.